Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

My First Experience on the Airplane


     Maybe this article kinda Deso but I don't Care 'coz it was what happened on be before and i just wanted to share with you or maybe you also had experienced like me too lol 

   My first flight is on November 2009 and it's 'coz i worked as Indonesian workers in  OMAN if not 'coz that i will not know how the feel sitting on the airplane 'coz as you all know I'm not rich people, :D 

   It'll takes long times if i write down in English so let's Move to Indonesian language :P 

   Jadi sama pengurus Pt kita di antarkan ke Bandara , stlh sampai ada petugas lain yg mengurus smw"y , seperti tiket , passport dan bla....bla...., Ohh yeah dulu W Cmn Bawa tas jinjing dan Bukan hanya W sendri tapi temn^^ yg lain Jga sama , 
i wonder why if we want to flight to the Arabic country we can't bring suitcase But only small bag ? i don't know why .

   Dan setelah semuanya tlah di urus kita di sruh untuk pegi ke ruang Tunggu pesawat datang V sebln itu tas kita di periksa sama petugas Pt dan ada teman w yg tas"y berat trus di tanya 
Petugas  :   " Kmu bawa apa aja "?! 
Temn w  :  " bawa mangga tipipan agency pak "
petugas   :   " jangn Tidak boleh terllu berat di bawa di pesawat                           !"sini sya sja yg simpan !! (i knew he's lied he just wants to eat those mangoes but we can't do anything 'coz we hadn't any power to say NO so my friend she obeys what he said to her ) kadang petugas itu mentang^^ punya Power so mereka Melakukan SeEnx Mau"y 
   Ohh yeah my first flight it was using Emirates airline  and it was quite Big and lucky me , I'm sitting next to the window so i can see the beautiful views from outside , it was amazing. 
  Dan setelah pesawat datang dengan rasa berdebarng w Memasuki terowongan tuk menuju ke pesawat dan setalh sampai  pramugrai minta w tuk nunjukin tiket tempat duduk dan dia blng "kanan dan lurus  saja"dan W pada waktu itu tidak terbang sendri , Banyak Tkw^^ lainya yg terbang ke negara arab Dan w tebak itu separo dari pesawat lol Dan kalian bisa banyain sendri Gimna Rame"y 

  i said to myself and said Ohh God please Make them silence 'coz they're too noisy and it's so embarrassing ,their talks too loudly
"Hii tempat duduk sya dimna ?!"  Koper taroh dimnaa ?!!!! etc and it seems like I'm at traditional market not on airplane lol 

     Dan setlah kita dapet tempat duduk masih^^ pramugrai menjelaskan gimna cara pke sabuk , tau ada Kejadian yg tidak kita harapkan "What should we'd " 
   'coz is my first experience so the all those things on airplane isn't friendly to me and i got confused how to use it,  like i want to watch the video but i don't how  to turn on or  where i should put the headset and fortunately near me is a gud man so he wants to tell me how to use it 

    But had one excited and it's made me afraid of it 
Had our friend and she went to restroom but when she wants to out she didn't know how to open the door and made her screamed and said "Please help me open the door" and lucky her the stewardess helped her out and we just smiling at her and  i said to myself i won't go there 'coz i don't want have the embarrassing moment as she had lol 
      'coz the flight quite long so i can't hold it any longer so with say *bismillah I entered the door But i didn't log it and i did that with faster might be it was not taking for 5 minutes  lol 

and it was my experience but  about you guy's ? 

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

My New Life

      As all teenager when their finished their study at high school 
their Had two choices are continue to study at college or other one is looking for a  job , As i knew my skill isn't as clever as other people and I'm not from rich family so i chose to looking a job and i was so hopefully i could get a job as fast as i wanted. then after that  i moved to tanggerang where my sisters live in it , 

  i was so excited "Ohh God I'll have much money so from my job so i can buy anything what i want  but the fact isn't as easy as i thought , almosta year i looking a job but i didn't get it 
i felt jealous with my friends 'coz their can get a job but me still jobless  and i felt uncomfortable living with my first sister 'coz she kinda fastidious and I'm as you knew  I'm annoying so we can't live at one roof lol so i  moved to my second sister and poor her 'coz she got dieses made her uneasily to giving a birth. 
     But  i found something if WORLD isn't what i thought  is so complicated and i was so depressed, felt looser ,useless , etc my feelings are like es Campur  and yeah my bad is blamed to God " Why me ?"   Oh my Lord what is wrong with me ?! why you not help  me when i needed you to find me a job 'coz i need that for realizing my dreams and i was crying on.... crying on every night and it was making my sister worried and i also feel ashamed if i should back to my village 'coz i not success yet and what will i bring later Nothing , 

     then my sister  asked to spiritual what should I'd to have luck and then he said "Say to your young sister for she should washing her mom's Foot and then after that drink that water. and i did but the first thing i said "Ema i knew i had a lot mistakes on , i many times made you crying or i was always wished if God should take you first not Bapa , I'm really sorry i not realize if what i done is wrong  so that's why God punished me like now, please forgive me Ma ?" 
and Alhamdulillah my Ema said yeah i already forgiven you before you said those words to me , then after all done i go to bathroom 'coz i don't want my mom looks me do that I'm kinda shy lol . 

And The most important things Surga is on your mother Foot So treat your mother Gud before she  left you and you hadn't any choice  

Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

*My life When i was childhood*

Masa Kecil Mungkin sebagian orang berpikir itu adalah masa^^ yg indah , V Tidak bagi ku..!
Ku lahir tgl 25 Agust 1990 , Tak di sangka usia ku sudah memasuki Masa Expiry bagi wanita indonesia lol 

*And guys 'coz you already knew when I'm birthday so don't forget to give me some gifts Oklek (^_-)* Well let's we back to my story (^_^;)  
Aku adalah Anx terakhir dri 4 bersaudara , Ayahku meninggl 
ketika usia ku msh 6 tahun , sebenrnya ku tak ingat banyak tentang sosok   ayahku V ku sellu mengingat dia adlh Sosok ayah yg baik dan sellu memanjakanku , ku msh ingat ku sllu di bawa ketika bpa Berjualan sate dan ku sllu merasa senang ketika bpa mengajakku karna dia sellu tersenyum ketika melihat ku  ,

    V  yeaahhh....mungkin bukan sosk suami yg baik bagi ibuku karna dulu ketika beliau msh hidup sellu bertengkar dengn ibu ,
well karna Bpa tlah tiada so pasti ibu hrs kerja keras membanting tulang untuk membiayi hidup ku dan kakak^^ ku ,
Dan setelah Bpa meninggal ku berubah jadi anx Nakl (Yeah nakal kata mereka yg telah merusak hidupku dan Masa kanak^^ku , pa sih nakl"y nak umur 6 thn kga ampe bakar Rumah tau Bunuh orang) !!! 

   Dan ketika SD ku bukan anx yg pintar V ku adalah Anx yg Rajin nyontek sma Sepupuku lol , beruntung"y hidupku punya seppu yg pintar dan seperti biasa keluargaku memanjakanku . 
ku tak pernh nyuci baju sendri sampe umur 6 SD krna dlu semua kakak^^ku yg melakukanya. ( and it's really wrong don't ever teach your kids like that 'coz it's only Damaging the future of your kids) 

   Ohhh yeah sejak kecil aku tumbuh dengan Bullies bukan hanya dri tetangga Sampai tante^^ ku pun membully ku 
yeah Karna Aku *GENDUT*  *JOROK* *AMBURADUL* 
V Itu Bukan Hak KALIAN ..!!!! KALIAN...!! tuk Membully ku 
dengn Memberi sebutan *Gajah bengkak , Paus , Pretty sinta tau artis dengn Big size lainya*  Haiiiii ....!!! kalian lupa .?! Aku dulu Msh Kecil dan kalian tak pernah berpikir dengn Mental sya Nanti ?!  

Sekarang kalian puas !! Ku serang menjadi apa yg kalian Mau 
Seekor Gajah ! kalian hanya lihat tumbunan Lemak dan tubuh tegap saya V kalian Tak pernah tau Betapa Hancur berlebur Hati ini Dan sampai sekrng Bekas"y msh terasa. Dan yeaaah itu lah Hebat"y Efek Dri Bully Bukan tubuh yg terluka V luka Batin.

and it's made me cry when i should flashback and remember all those hurts things on my life   

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

my first day on being blogger

my  first day being blogger 😊

to be honest i still confused how this works and i also don't know what should i wrote in here , 'coz i ain't gud in writing who can say a nice or wishes words . 😄😄😄

So maybe next time I'll say something useful

Ciyuletah 😆