Sabtu, 30 Mei 2015

My New Life

      As all teenager when their finished their study at high school 
their Had two choices are continue to study at college or other one is looking for a  job , As i knew my skill isn't as clever as other people and I'm not from rich family so i chose to looking a job and i was so hopefully i could get a job as fast as i wanted. then after that  i moved to tanggerang where my sisters live in it , 

  i was so excited "Ohh God I'll have much money so from my job so i can buy anything what i want  but the fact isn't as easy as i thought , almosta year i looking a job but i didn't get it 
i felt jealous with my friends 'coz their can get a job but me still jobless  and i felt uncomfortable living with my first sister 'coz she kinda fastidious and I'm as you knew  I'm annoying so we can't live at one roof lol so i  moved to my second sister and poor her 'coz she got dieses made her uneasily to giving a birth. 
     But  i found something if WORLD isn't what i thought  is so complicated and i was so depressed, felt looser ,useless , etc my feelings are like es Campur  and yeah my bad is blamed to God " Why me ?"   Oh my Lord what is wrong with me ?! why you not help  me when i needed you to find me a job 'coz i need that for realizing my dreams and i was crying on.... crying on every night and it was making my sister worried and i also feel ashamed if i should back to my village 'coz i not success yet and what will i bring later Nothing , 

     then my sister  asked to spiritual what should I'd to have luck and then he said "Say to your young sister for she should washing her mom's Foot and then after that drink that water. and i did but the first thing i said "Ema i knew i had a lot mistakes on , i many times made you crying or i was always wished if God should take you first not Bapa , I'm really sorry i not realize if what i done is wrong  so that's why God punished me like now, please forgive me Ma ?" 
and Alhamdulillah my Ema said yeah i already forgiven you before you said those words to me , then after all done i go to bathroom 'coz i don't want my mom looks me do that I'm kinda shy lol . 

And The most important things Surga is on your mother Foot So treat your mother Gud before she  left you and you hadn't any choice  

6 komentar:

  1. I'm agree with your last sentence. But you really drank that water? Yaa Alloh... gak segitunya jg kali, vi. Mencuci kakinya, sy setuju. Itu tanda bakti & p'hormatan kita ke beliau, tapi meminum airnya? Ih.... kaki kan adanya di bawah. Dia menginjak & terkena kotoran meskipun pake sendal.
    Tapi syukurlah now you've found your way and make your mom proud of you. Succes for you, vi. :)

    1. Bhahahahahahxox yeah I'm 'coz I'm polos girl lol so I'd all what people had told me lol

      Hehehehe tbh nih sbnr"y waktu w cuci kaki Emak w sedikit kotor krna ya tau sendri kan orng tua pa lagi Ema w hbs pulang jualan Sate v Alhamdulillah setlh 6 thn meminum air itu w msh Sht wal afiat :D

      Aamiin and so hope you sista

  2. My relationship with my mother is not easy either.....
    I should live my life independently, even though I have complete family. No one heard me, that's why I grow up fast. My family is wealthy enough to send me to the best education, I had no good childhood experience, though.
    Sometimes I feel jealous with my friend who has 100% supprort from their family, but me??? I have to think all alone, because I couldn't count on anybody in my life, even my mother.
    I always fail to make them proud. I am not as success as my father, not as obey as my sister, and not as brave as my other sister. Sometimes I just want to cry to talk about family. But now... I have my own family, and I will do my best for my own family.

    1. ohh I'm really sorry to hear your past storied ma'am And please stop thinking about that you're more amazing than what their thoughts so just close your ears and Move away from them

      and Aamiin success for you ma'am
      and i bet your family members are proud of you :)

    2. ohh I'm really sorry to hear your past storied ma'am And please stop thinking about that you're more amazing than what their thoughts so just close your ears and Move away from them

      and Aamiin success for you ma'am
      and i bet your family members are proud of you :)

  3. G kebayang gimana rasanya tuh air,,,btw ingin ikut tuk mncoba cara lu vi,,,biar bisa sukses kayak lu...
