Kamis, 11 Juni 2015


Don't Be shocked with that Title 'coz it was really happened to  me But it's Few Years ago When i first time Working as abroad in Oman And it's also my first time live far away from my family. 

       Ofc As spoiled girl lives like that isn't easy for me 'coz All is A new things for me , i Had never do that before at my home 'coz All my sisters or my mom Does, So in a first year it's be my hardest year , one day is like one month , uneasily to through it. 

   And Honestly Cutting my Hair  isn't a first time I did , Since I'm studying at middle school i Never let someone else  touched my hair  'coz I'd like to cut by myself i Don't fking care what other people thinking about my style urakan Tau Not stylish 'coz I'm enjoying when I'd that it's like one strand  of My hair it's like bring one of my problem , Seems weird Right ? but It's Me :D 

     So i just sitting on front of mirror then My hand touch the scissor and other my hand touch the hair comb then after that I'd it , i was Not Cutting so long But only little of my hair for a looks like My Idol it's Agnes Monica , Bhahahahahahxox yeah I'm so adore her 'coz she so awesome and I'd like her style So when she changes her hair style and I'd the same too lol 

   Well let's be back to My topic, as i told you before in first year  it's so hard for me to through it and i was also always makes many mistakes and damage a lot things ,  Poor my boss 'coz they like be my Kelinci percobaaan lol And it's not only 'coz my job and my feelings regretted to my mom What i was doing to her it's totally wrong , How many tears she had fallen down 'coz my act ! Yeah maybe I'm Anak Durhaka 'coz I was Never regret made my mom crying , i said to myself Ihhh Lebay Deeh Gtu Z ampe nanggis 
   So naughty right I'm ? but after i knew how hardest to make some money , Ohhh My...... !!! I'm so wrong to my mom And When i called to Home i never forget to say Forgive to my mom 'coz i just worried if it'll be too late 'coz we don't know what'll happen on the future But i always hopes it's No 'coz I not yet make my mom Smiling and Proud to have daughter like me ,

    So it was in the middle of night When My bozz already fall  asleep And the babies too So i had my own times  
First Step I'm Cutting my hair till so short then  After that i used Pencukur rambut  But it didn't work 'coz it's only used for small amount But i had other ideas it's i broke that the hair shaver And then Saya hanya Menggunakan Silet"y Saja And No body knows if  i cutted all my Hair till i give them  know 

so that's my other stories Hope you more more know me lol 

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