Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Patrick Allison

  Well coz first article is all about my past so i think you should  To know with Someone who so mean to me 
And He's Patrick Allison , i met him when i figure out about new App and it was  Meow Chat ,Well he was so different with other men i met before on Random chat 'coz he was Nice , Polite And the funny thing he writes down all about him on his status so i no need to ask him much lol 

     After Day to day We more close and honestly it's the hardest thing for me 'coz i should searching what the nice topic should i talking to him for he doesn't feel boring with me lol So i tried to play flatter with him such an Indonesian guy's do to a girl , aahh it was funny and I'm glad 'coz he likes it 
    He so kind 'coz he would help me to learn English and i unbelievable 'coz Who am i ? I'm only Caregiver but He ? 
he's an American guy and He had a nice job and ofc a nice salary  too and we was talking about a lot things included about our past too and He's gud listeners but sometimes he made me tired 'coz i should exercise my thumb to Google translate and then go to our room chat lol 'coz was it my English so bad i even don't know how to use Does , Do or Did but after i had joined at BBIO 
OMG i got much improved and I'm so happy 'coz not only knowledge i got but also a gud friends ;D  love u all ;* 

   Well let's we back to Patrick , we  were talking every days 
and i think he's lucky guy 'coz on his life had two girls always accompany him every days it's me and Camilla (his gf)
   And their also met on Meow too , but i don't know why , why she so jealous with me but honestly nothing happened with me and Patrick we're truly friend so we hadn't other choice we should stop our friendship for she doesn't get jealous of me again but it was hardest thing for us  :( we already feel comfortable to each other and I'll lose lose person as great as here.

and it's the last words before he left me

"i think it's for the best if we don't talk anymore , Camilla is just to jealous  of me for some reason and i think it's just for the best . if you want to look at my Fb that's ok, idk I'm sorry my friend i hope you're not upset with me and i wish you the best , you'll always be my sweet blood and don't ever forget you're a gud and beautiful person ;) keep smiling no matter hpwhat happens , your smile always made me happy and don't forget either you've the coolest and one of the most beautiful names i have seen or heard  . Goodbye my friend and don't forget about me 'coz I'd never forget about you  i hold you always in my prayers :) p.s 
dont let mosquitoes drain too much for your blood or they might die of sugar poisoning :P hehehe be well have fun my friend. " 

 and ofc i won't forget about you , you can see that i still remember about  you , you're already had space in my heart and i think no one can replace you , although we not talking anymore and i can't seen your fb either but I'm glad i can seen your PP if you had changed and i saw you've enjoying your lifep e so might be oneday if you already have a  baby and you put it be your pp so i can to see it :) as i hope before i wanted to see a little Patrick lol 

and I'd like if you always smiling and showing your teeth as this pic

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